Kingdom Spin – Get your free 6* monster today (Highly Recommended)


What happens when put your typical slot machine into a Mobile RPG game?


Kingdom Spin is not your typical Social Dungeon RPG game where certain game skills or game plan is needed to beat your enemies. As a slot machine based game, taking down your opponent requires you to build a good deck and lots of luck. The slot machine mechanic makes the game “idiot prove” for players who have difficulty beating harder monsters in other similar games but may deter players who enjoys challenge. What I really like about the game is that, you really don’t have to burn any brain cells to play the game.



As there are no “skills” involved in the game play, “Deck Building” becomes very important in the game. Other than the usual “damage monster” skills or “healing” skills, skills such as increasing the occurrence of  certain elements, increasing the chance of a “wild” drop or even increasing the attack CD of monsters are vital in aiding a victory.  Other features of the game includes Raid Bosses, Arena PVP and even a guild system. I must say Kingdom Spin is very polished for a newly launched game.

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If you like playing Slots, RPG and Card Games, Kingdom Spin is just the game for you! Download and play the game now and win a Mega Rare Card (6* card guaranteed).  Currently, there are many events happening one of which gives you a chance to win a 8* card by collecting a set of other cards. So what are you waiting for ! GO SPIN THE WHEEL!

Here’s a PV of the game:

PS: Be sure to check out their website as there are many useful guides for new players to pick up the game


Android Link
iOS Link
