Netmarble has announced the English version launch for their latest mobile game, Blade&Soul Revolution. Players from Asia who are interested in the game can now download it from your local App or Play Store.
Blade&Soul Revolution is a mobile MMORPG based on the popular PC MMORPG, Blade & Soul. From graphics, story telling to actual gameplay, Blade&Soul Revolution stays true to its predecessor while optimizing for mobile gameplay. There are over 150 high-quality cinematics for Players to enjoy and immerse into the Jianghu world.
At the start of the game, you get to choose 4 different races each with their own unique job. If you play as Jin, you can choose to be either a Blade Master (Sword) or Kung Fu Master (Fist). For Lyn, there is only the Force Master (Talisman) who is adept in powerful Force (Magic) skills. Yun is an all female race where you can play as a Blade Master or Force Master. Lastly, Gon is an all male race where you can play as a Kungfu Master or Destroyer (2H weapon).
There are several different game modes for Players to challenge such as Raid bosses, PVP and even Faction war with up to 500 players from each server.
Blade & Soul fans, see you ingame!