Roblox Sorcery Perks Guide – Which Should You Choose?

Feature image for our Roblox Sorcery Perks guide showing gojo and sukuna suspended in the air with mahoraga following behind sukuna as they engage in combat scaling up a building

If you want to know how to get your hands on Perks and what each controls, stick around for my Roblox Sorcery Perks Guide. Here, I tell you all that and the importance of your selection since it weaves so effortlessly into your Cursed Technique!

If you’re feeling perked up, check out Sorcery on Roblox. For more on this Jujutsu Kaisen-inspired title, take a look at my How To Unlock Cursed Techniques In Roblox Sorcery Guide and my Roblox Sorcery Cursed Technique Tier List.

Roblox Sorcery Perks Guide

Perks trigger in a pop-up window after a player obtains their Cursed Technique from the Dream World, and the player will be able to select only one to adopt for their adventure. Each Perk applies a permanent stat boost to the player’s build.

The selection is important since you can’t choose them all, and whichever you select becomes your only active Perk. Choosing a Perk requires consideration for both your current Cursed Technique and its move sets, and your preferred play style in combat.

Perks Description

Each Perk corresponds to a different Stat which amplifies the following:

  • Pulsation – Stamina
    • Increases the available energy reserves to perform more Cursed Technique moves without defaulting to base attacks when Stamina is low.
    • Recommended for: Players who rely on their CT in combat to win.
  • Verve – Health
    • Increases the user’s base health allowing them to take on stronger attacks and survive longer in combat.
    • Recommended for: Players who tend to be prone to attacks if they haven’t mastered the art of dodging.
  • Finesse – Weapon DMG
    • Bloats the stat controlling a player’s base weapon damage, making their wielding attacks hit harder. This Stat does not increase damage performed by Cursed Techniques.
    • Recommended for: Players who want to balance their Cursed Technique and Weapons Mastery to equal footing for alternating attacks.
  • Malediction – Skills DMG
    • Increases the damage inflicted when the player utilizes their Cursed Technique in combat. This Perk does not influence the damage of a player’s weapons.
    • Recommended for: Players who put all their faith in their Cursed Technique attacks and trust in their raw strength to win.