Blue Lock Rivals Techniques Guide

Feature image for our Blue Lock Rivals Techniques guide. Image shows the top of a football stadium with blue lights in the sky.

Once you perfect the different Blue Lock Rivals techniques, you’ll be sure to win any match!

Start playing Blue Lock Rivals on Roblox. For more posts covering this anime-inspired title, check out our Blue Lock Rivals Style Tier List and Blue Lock Rivals Flow Guide.

Blue Lock Rivals Techniques Guide

Techniques are all about timing and precision. With anything, practice makes perfect. But once you get the hang of how to perform them, you’ll become a much better player on the pitch.

Double Header

I suppose the name gives this away… with this technique, you perform two headers back-to-back. If you tilt the camera in the direction you want the ball to go, your header will make the ball gain extra height in the air, making it harder for opponents to snatch it off you.

Performing a header is simple when you get the hang of it, but it does require some practice (and patience). All you have to do is wait for the ball to be in the air, then position your head below it.

Flick Shot / Pass

Once you have a hold of the ball, if you charge your shot until it is at the maximum (do this by holding down left-click), then release it as you get the ball, you will perform a powerful shot-like pass. Many people who are playing as a goalkeeper prefer this pass, as that position has a higher throw power, which allows the ball to go even further.

It will take practice to make sure the bar is fully charged and you release it the moment you get the ball, but it’s a useful technique to know about.

Goalkeeper Direction Changing Pass

This is best suited for goalkeepers! If you are in this position, you can pick up the ball and throw it out of the box. Then, you can dive towards it by pressing ‘Q’. However, the key to this technique is changing the direction of the ball whilst diving to throw opponents off.

The direction you want to go in changes depending on the key you are pressing whilst holding ‘Q’ to dive. For example, pressing W + Q together will make you dive forward. D + Q will make you dive to the right, and so on.