Anime Vanguards Rogita (Super 4) – Obtaining Gogeta, Stats, and More!

Feature image for our anime vanguards rogita super 4 guide showing the winter shop npc in a metallic room with ice spikes

This Anime Vanguards Rogita (Super 4) guide covers the star of update 3, telling you how to obtain him, his chances, stats and more!

Start playing Anime Vanguards on Roblox. For more on this tower defence title, check out our Anime Vanguards Update 3.0 Tier List and Anime Vanguards Elements Guide.

Anime Vanguards Rogita (Super 4)

Inspired by the fusion of Gogeta from Dragon Ball, Rogita (Super 4) has a slim 0.005% pull rate from the Winter Event banner. The banner requires Presents to summon, obtained from playing the event via the Plaza.

Rogita (Super 4) as of Update 3 is the first and only Vanguard rarity unit, named after the game itself. But, does this lonesome rank at the top of the food chain mean he’s overpowered or overhyped? Let’s get into it.

Rogita (Super 4) Placement, Stats and More

When obtained, the Rogita (Super 4) unit comes pre-loaded with three passives:

  • Gotcha!
    • 10% chance for this unit’s attacks to not land. When they miss, the enemy slows down and the unit’s damage increases by 5% (Stacking to 50%).
  • Monkey King
    • Anytime this unit strikes, a clone appears and immediately mirrors the previous attack this unit made.
  • Instant Teleportation
    • When active, the unit’s SPA decreases by 20% for 20 seconds.

This ground unit has a placement of 1, a heavy restriction that forces players to consider its position. Rogtia (Super 4) also stunts the Blast Element, negating 10% of an enemy’s damage reduction.

All of this and just for the price of his placement costing 1,200 Yen! After placement, Rogita (Super 4) enjoys 14 total upgrades. Across these upgrades, his attack pattern changes, gaining Peak Impact at upgrade 3, Fusion Barrage at upgrade 6, and Clone Beam Barrage at upgrade 9. His final moveset, Big Blast Beam unlocks at upgrade 13.

Alongside his overpowered combat style, players lucky enough to pull Rogita (Super 4) will gain an intense cosmetic stunting a rapidly rising golden aura as though they’re charging Ki Energy.