Verse Piece Wisps Guide – Spawn Chance and Buffs!

Feature image for our verse piece wisps guide showing a white wisp in the corner of a map against two stone walls

Wisps offer a perk on the go, available to any player so long as they’re the first to uncover it. In this Verse Piece Wisps Guide, I tell you what Wisps are, how to find them, and each type, including their physical differences and buffs!

Start playing Verse Piece on Roblox. For more on this anime mix and match title, check out our Verse Piece Lancer Guide and Verse Piece Dungeons Guide.

Verse Piece Wisps Guide – What Are Wisps?

Wisps appear at random on any island with a 10% chance to spawn every minute. This means on average, a Wisp appears every 10 minutes, but given its RNG-based nature, this isn’t a guarantee.

They’re easy to spot thanks to their bright, attractive circular appearance, with a colourful aura surrounding a central light source. When a Wisp spawns, it’s a race against time to be the first and only player to pick it up.

Each Wisp offers a unique enhancement based on its colour, and when consumed it buffs that player unless removed using a Remove Wisp Potion, obtained through any loot chest.

Alternatively, you could trade with other players in hopes of obtaining a Wisp.

Wisp Colours and Buffs

Let’s get into each Wisp and its attributes!

  • Basic Wisp
    • Appearance: A plain white aura with a faint rainbow hue-shift surrounds a central white light source.
    • Buffs: Heals the player passively if they’re not full. The health strength scales off a player’s maximum health stat.
  • Eternal Wisp
    • Appearance: An icy blue aura ring surrounds the central white light source.
    • Buffs: Applies freeze to enemies if the player’s health is below maximum. The freeze damage scales off the player’s specials stat.
  • Lucky Wisp
    • Appearance: A bright green aura ring surrounds the central white light source.
    • Buffs: Increases the player’s base luck by x5. Additionally, fishing now gives x2 loot.