How To Get Air Walking in Hollow Era

Feature image for our how to get air walking in hollow era guide showing the back of a hollow who is looking up at the pink beam of light on top of a red bridge

When walking is no longer the meta, you might be wondering How To Get Air Walking in Hollow Era. This guide tells you where it’s obtained from, and the requirements to get it.

Start playing Hollow Era on Roblox. For more on this Bleach-inspired game, check out our Hollow Era Fighting Styles Guide detailing the Kendo and Kaido Skill Trees.

How To Get Air Walking in Hollow Era

To get Air Walking, you must first know where to go! Start by heading to East Karakura, locating the large red bridge. Be careful not to mix it up with the other large red bridge which connects both parts of Karakura Town above the vast Karakura River.

Take a look upwards and try to locate a purple beacon beam rising into the sky from the top of the red pillars. If you spot it, you’re in the right place! Next, use a mixture of jumping and dashing to climb up the bridge and approach the light source.

Here, you’ll spot the Blizfid NPC. He tells you a little about air walking and then offers to teach it to the player if they’ve unlocked all other basic skills first. By Basic Skills, the NPC is referring to a player’s lineage and their progression. If you’re a low level, you’ll need to work on getting a Skill Point invested into each stat.

What Is Air Walking

If you’ve ever spammed the jump button, you’ll notice a small pop-up preventing you from continuing upwards. Typically, games offer a double-jump or even consecutive jumps such as Geppo.

Air Walking is a form of transport which allows players to essentially ‘step’ on air, using enough force to propel themselves upwards. It’s great for evasion and dropping in on enemies depending on the situation. It makes travel a little faster, smoother, and more fun.