A Universal Time Shanks Guide – NPC, Conqueror, And Boss Shanks!

Feature image for our A Universal Time Shanks Guide. Image shows the Shanks NPC.

With a Boss, NPC, and Conqueror all called Shanks… it can get confusing knowing who is who. Our A Universal Time Shanks Guide talks you through every Shanks in the game, the different quests they set you, and the rewards you can get.

Head over to the official Roblox website to play. For more anime-inspired Roblox game posts, we have a Jujutsu Beatdown Domain Clash Guide and a Demon Blade Tier List.

A Universal Time Shanks Guide

Let’s break down each Shanks in the game. Including their quests and rewards.

Conqueror Shanks

You can find Conqueror Shanks in Orange Town. Which annoyingly… is where all the other Shanks are too. The only way to tell them apart is if they are standing near a chest. This Shanks is not standing near a chest… that’s NPC Shanks.

Gryphon Quest

The quest is made up of three parts. Once you have completed each, you will be rewarded with The Manual of Gryphon’s Techniques.

  • First, speak to Conqueror Shanks. He will ask you to kill 20 pirates
  • Once you have done that, return to him and he will task you with finding West Blue Juice. You can find this in chests or crates
  • Bring the juice back to him
  • Now you must kill Buggy The Clown. You can find him in Orange Town. He spawns every 15 minutes, so if you miss him, you won’t need to wait long before he comes back
  • After you kill Buggy, speak to Shanks again. Your final task is to kill the Shanks Boss… yes… a different Shanks. This boss spawns every 30-35 minutes
  • Now that you have killed the Shanks Boss, head back to Conqueror Shanks. He will reward you with the Manual of Gryphon’s Techniques

NPC Shanks

You can find this NPC in Orange Town. However, this Shanks is standing next to a chest.

Gomu Gomu No Mi Quest

There are two parts to this quest. Once you complete them, you will be rewarded with the Gomu Devil Fruit.

  • Speak to Shanks, just like in the previous quest, he will ask you to defeat 20 pirates
  • After you have killed them all, speak to him again. Then, he will ask you to kill Buggy The Clown
  • Once you have killed Buggy, go back to NPC Shanks. He will give you the Gomu Devil Fruit

Both quests are very similar, but remember, there are different Shanks! NPC Shanks is standing next to a chest, Conqueror Shanks isn’t.

Boss Shanks

As for Boss Shanks, there’s not much to say! He is the boss you must defeat in the Gryphon Quest. Of course… he looks like all the other Shanks. However, it does say ‘Boss Shanks’ above his head, so it’s easy to tell.

When defeating him, he has the chance to drop these items:

  • Haki Shards – 50%
  • Haoshoku Manual – 30%