KEMCO announces the release of Asdivine Hearts for PlayStation set to hit the North American PlayStation Store this winter. The game will be made available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita supporting Cross Buy.
The world of Asdivine has been rendered with stunning detail, from meandering clouds to lapping waves, sparkling magic to slithering creatures, and even dynamic skill effects. The game features plenty of subquests, a battle arena, treasure to dig for, and an enemy guide to collect information for.
Asdivine Hearts will also feature 15 Trophies to be collected in addition to the rich game content. The game boasts 40+ hours of gameplay with plenty of subquests, and a battle arena to challenge your skills. If you’re an old-school RPG fan, you’ll definitely love this title!
For now, if you have a PC and can’t wait to try the game out, there’s actually a Halloween Sale going on for the PC version on Steam.