Yatta! Play has announced the pre-registration event for the global version of Battle Divas Slay Mecha. The sci-fi title will launch soon worldwide on both Google Play and App Store.
In Battle Divas: Slay Mecha, players assume control of a team of newly graduated heroes who are tasked to discover if the surface of planet Earth has finally become inhabitable, decades after a nuclear war poisoned all living things. What they found was not a recovering paradise, but a wasteland inhabited with unimaginable monstrosities…
When all milestones are achieved, players can expect to obtain the many rewards in their accounts when official global launch begins for Battle Divas: Slay Mecha. These includes premium currency, upgrade materials, a full set of equipment, and many beneficial items.
Battle Divas: Slay Mecha is set to launch worldwide soon (except China, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau), with languages supported including English, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. New content has also been planned several months ahead, such as new heroes, equipment, game modes, and more.