gumi has announced the launch of their latest mobile game, Brave Frontier: The Last Summoner. Players who are interested in the game can now download it from your local App or Play Store.
Brave Frontier: The Last Summoner is specially developed by gumi’s Europe camp for the global audience. Brave Frontier: The Last Summoner is specially is a spin-off of the original Brave Frontier game and not the sequel which was released in Japan earlier this year.
Gameplay is somewhat similar to the original Brave Frontier game but it gets a little complicated as your “party” grows. Unlike the original game where you just control 6 (5+1) characters, Brave Frontier: The Last Summoner allows you to build an army with 5 different Squads. Each Squad consist of 5 characters.
Although they made some changes to the UI of the game (looks like Grand Summoners now), controls are still pretty similar. Tap on the character’s portrait to activate an attack or slide up and down to activate character’s skill.
The character design, artstyle and colors, stay loyal to the Brave Frontier franchise. Even the drops and currencies in the game should feel familiar to you if you have played the original Brave Frontier. If you’re a Brave Frontier fan, you’ll definitely want to check this game out!
Psst: Highest rarity now is 4*!
gumi Inc.