Feature image for our anime vanguards paragon mode guide which shows the back of my avatar who is stood to the right and facing a portal that is blue with swirls inside it

How To Unlock Anime Vanguards Legend Stages

This guide covers How To Unlock Anime Vanguards Legend Stages including the rewards and how to complete this unusual and difficult game mode!
Feature image for our anime vanguards trait tier list showing a blue grass world with a carved pathway in a muddy brown where enemies are running through with three anime-inspired units ready to attack

Anime Vanguards Trait Tier List

My Anime Vanguards Trait Tier List ranks every attribute from best to worst including their rarity and roll chance so you know which to get!
Feature image for our The Time Of Ninja Achievements Guide. Image shows a character standing in a wooden house.

The Time Of Ninja Achievements Guide

Congrats! You get an achievement for reading this guide.
feature image for our anime elites squad mythics tier list which shows a cat with a glowing blue eye from a bottom-up view. He is wearing fancy victorian style clothes and a grey-blue cloudy sky is in the background

Anime Elites Squad Mythics Tier List

This Anime Elites Squad Mythics Tier List skips the lesser rarities and ranks only the true elites in game including their dual combat type!
Feature image for our anime vanguards stats guide showing the stat page with a legendary unit input into the grading system showing his current stat potential

Anime Vanguards Stats Guide – Maximising Your Units Potential!

This Anime Vanguards Stats Guide outlines checking your unit grading, how to increase their Stats and the importance of doing so!
Feature image for our anime vanguard codes guide which shows my avatar stood between two winding trees with a confused expression on her face

Anime Vanguards Codes – All Release Rewards!

Fiend for freebies or need a boost? My Anime Vanguards Codes guide regularly updates with each active code and its reward!
Feature image for our Anime Vanguards essences guide showing my avatar who is a pale white with a confused expression standing at the crafting workshop within the game

Anime Vanguards Essences Guide

My Anime Vanguards Essences Guide is loaded with essential knowledge on the stones needed for Evolution including obtainment and crafting!
Feature image for our Anime Vanguards traits guide showing the traits npc Mandra at nighttime with a purple radius circle around him

Anime Vanguards Traits Guide – The BEST Traits For Your Units!

This Anime Vanguards Traits Guide introduces you to the unique stat buffer NPC including each Trait's effect and rarity!
Feature image for our Anime Vanguards tier list showing a waterfall with png's of various koi fish leaping in and out of the running blue water

Anime Vanguards Tier List – Release Rankings!

This Anime Vanguards Tier List ranks every unit from best to worst including their rarity and tier synopsis so you know who to pull for!
Feature image for our Anime Royale friend guide showing my avatar stood behind a small market stall looking towards the camera in the main lobby at night time

Anime Royale Friend Guide – How To Obtain The Secret Unit!

This Anime Royale Friend Guide introduces you to the first Secret Unit in the game including her Unit Stats and how to obtain her!