a universal time ancient sword feature image. it is the west hotel from the map which has a neon sign with the hotel's name, as well as a sign on the side of the building that says hotel in bold letters.

A Universal Time Ancient Sword Guide – Yasuo Ability Included

An ancient sword for a brand new guide
Feature image for our Meme Sea Race Awakening Orb Guide. Image shows the Dancing Banana NPC.

Meme Sea Race Awakening Orb Guide

Time to awaken.
Feature image for our Seven Deadly Sins Idle Reroll Guide. Image shows multiple small characters running.

Seven Deadly Sins Idle Reroll Guide

We'll explain how to reroll, so you can obtain your favourite characters!
Feature image for our Blood Samurai 2 Codes guide. Image shows a character dressed as a Samurai standing near some houses.

Blood Samurai 2 Codes

Get your freebies!
feature image for our jujutsu beatdown domain clash guide which shows my avatar beating up a dummy using sukuna style attacks which flashes the screen in black and red

Jujutsu Beatdown Domain Clash Guide – How To Win Every Time!

This Jujutsu Beatdown Domain Clash Guide teaches you how to win every Clash of Domains including what a Domain Expansion is!