(JP) Maple Story Pocket

Nexon has launch Maple Story Pocket (メイプルストーリーポケット)  on both the Japanese App and Play Store. Read on to find out more! Probably one of the...

(JP) Cross Spirits

Trifort Inc has recently released their flagship mobile game, Cross Spirits. If you like collecting and fighting with cutesy monsters, you should check this...

(JP) Yowamushi Pedal

Furyu has earlier launch their latest Anime adapted mobile game Yowamushi Pedal. The game is available now on the Japanese App and Play Store. Read...

(JP) Fate/Grand Order

Aniplex Inc has finally released their most anticipated mobile game, Fate/Grand Order! Fans of the series must check this out! Fate/Grand Order is a Turn-based...

(JP) Chain Heroes

GMO Game has just released their latest mobile game, Chain Heroes. The game is now available on the Japanese Play Store. Read on to...

(JP) World Trigger: Smash Borders

Yesterday, Bandai Namco released their latest Shonen adapted mobile game, World Trigger: Smash Borders. The game is now available on both iOS and Android...

(JP) Bleach Brave Souls – out on iOS and Android

Good news guys! The wait is finally over. Bleach Brave Souls is finally out on both the Japanese App and Play Store. Go grab...

(JP) Divina Cute

Amuzism had just launched their latest Mobile game, Divina Cute(ディビーナキュート). The game is currently available on both the Japanese App and Play Store. Read...

(JP) Fish Connection

DeNA has just announced their latest Mobile Fishing game, Fish Connection (サカナコネクション). The game is available on both the Japanese App and Playstore. If you're...

(JP) Rampage Land Rankers

Square Enix has just released their latest mobile game, Rampage Land Rankers. The game is available on both the Japanese App and Play store....