LINE レヴァナントゲート – Line Revenant Gate

Earlier last month, I posted the pre-registration for Line's first ARPG game, Revenant Gate. Today, it's finally here and I must say... there are...

Cross Summoner – Out NOW! (Highly Recommended)

Call it soft-launch, pre-launch or whatever, the official launch for the game is tomorrow (9/9/2014). However, you can actually download and play the game...

Sangoku Tenka Trigger – Strategy CCG

GungHo's latest mobile CCG game, Sangoku Tenka Trigger is out now on the Japanese Google Playstore. Sengoku Tenka Trigger is a 3 Kingdom based Tactical...

Bocosuka Sanguozhi – Castle Defense with 3 Kingdom Characters (Recommended)

Less than a week ago, I posted the pre-registration for the game and about 4 days later, the game is out!   Bocosuka Sanguozhi is a...

Hunter x Hunter First PVP Event – Enter Heaven’s Arena

Player Versus Player has finally arrive in Hunter x Hunter Battle Allstars. What better way to introduce PVP into the game other than the...

Dynasty Warriors Blast – Released

Dynasty Warrior Blast is a action pack Musou game similar to it's predecessors.   Gameplay The game is similar to it's other franchise where players will need...

White Cat Project : 白猫プロジェクト (updated iOS release)

A month ago, I posted the pre-registration for the game and this week, it's finally released on the Android. iOS released today White Cat Project...

『封印勇者!マイン島と空の迷宮』Sealed Hero – Minesweeper + Brave Frontier

Now that the game is out, I've finally got a clearer picture on the game play for the game. Sealed Hero can be easily summed...

Majyokure -『合体RPG 魔女のニーナとツチクレの戦士』- Mini Power Rangers?

COLOPL, Inc. has released another game this week and this time, it's a drag and attack kind of Gacha game.   Majyokure is a drag and...

Picotto Kingdom – Must Try! (Highly Recommended)

Gung Ho Online Entertainments has released their latest game; Picotto Kingdom on the Android platform today (iOS version released today 10 July 2014). If...