Gunz Girl – School Dayz

What if one day, all your friends in school turned into Zombies? What will you do? Gunz Girl is a Zombie shooter with many...

World of Tanks Blitz – iOS version

One of the top played games on the PC for year 2013 has now been ported to the mobile device. World of Tanks features...

One Piece Treasure Cruise – Patch 1.1

Few days back, One Piece Treasure Cruise had its first client patch. Most of it are actually the technical stuff such as full client...

Summoners War Event : Angelmon Dungeon

Greetings from Com2uS!The Angelmon Wonderland will be open from Friday until the weekend for a surprise attack!It'll be only open for 1 hour a...

Summoners War : Team Spotlight 2

I know lately everyone is building the GIMP Rina (water EPriest) build for their defense so here's one powerful defensive team using the Fire...

Ultraman Puzzle Soul : Pre-registration

One of my favorite childhood heroes is going to be in the Puzzle world! Bandai Namco has just announced the pre-registration of their new...

Summoners War Event : Double exp, Double Mana Gem

There will be a new event Starting tomorrow! I've gotten the news from the Taiwan forums and since we're on the same server, this...

Summoners War Team Spotlight : Team 1

I believe many of you have come across defensive teams that are so imbalance and impossible to kill. I decided to start a special...

Taiko Drum RPG – Pre-registration

I'm starting to believe that the Japanese can make any game in this world into Gacha card games. Fans of Taiko Drum, here's your...

Amazing Battle Creatures : Monster Arena

Today, Glu Mobile has release their own version of a monster battle game; Amazing Battle Creatures(ABC). The game is much simpler compared to the...