Ujoy has announced the pre-registration event for their upcoming mobile game, Clash of Dawn. The game is slated to release in January for both iOS and Android Players. Pre-register now and stand a chance to win an Apple Watch.
According to the information I’m given, Clash of Dawn is supposed to be a Diablo-style ARPG played on Mobile devices. Graphics are suppose to be top-notched with the ever changing world environment.
- Compete on Five various Battlefields. Get Ready to Fight!
Enjoy battles filled with thousands of players from around the world. Battlefields include the Army Battlefield, Sect Battlefield, Guild Battlefield, Monster Battlefield, and Team Battlefield.
- Dual-Talent system. Switch your talents randomly.
The Artisan is joined by the Warrior, Mage, and Knight in the classes players can choose. The Artisan is good at shooting and long distance jumping. Each class has 2 different paths to take for your character. Each path also has 2 different talent sets. That means 4 classes will have 16 possible combinations for you to master. Plan your character’s development well and ready yourself!
Pre-register now and get yourself some Diamonds and Equipment box when the game launches. Also, by pre-registering in this event, you’ll stand a chance to win yourself an Apple Watch.
Pre-register here (you’ll need to key in your mobile number)