Bandai Namco (Korea) has recently launch Digimon Soul Chaser on the Korean Google Play Store. Digimon fans, what are you waiting for?
Based on the popular TV series, Digimon Soul Chaser is a Monster Breeding Mobile RPG Game with all your favourite Digimon characters. Unlike most Korean monster breeding game, each Digimon has its own specific evolution path thus it is important for Players to know which Digimon can be evolved into your favourite one.
At the start of the game, players can pick one of the above 8 Digimons as your starter. The above tier list is compiled by the Korean so you might want to follow their suggestion.
Similar to most Monster Breeding games, combat in the game is automated while players can decide when to cast your abilities. You can also sit back and relax while choosing the full Auto function.
To be honest, the game is kind of generic and typical of a Korean Monster Breeding game. Unless you’re a Digimon fan, I don’t think that the game has anything new to offer. However, if you’re a Digimon fan, there’s finally a decent non-pirated game available for you to breed your very own Digimon!
One of our kind reader, Edmund, has written a rough translation guide for some of the more important UI in the game. I’ve actually went through the guide and I must say, it really helps to understand most early part of the game. Remember to check it out!
Bandai Namco Korea