Magic Box Asia has announced the pre-registration event for their upcoming mobile game, Fairy Hero. Based on the pre-registration site, Players will have 10 days to sign up for some awesome pre-registration rewards!
First launched in Japan 2014, Fairy Hero is an Arcade Shooter game developed by DRECOM and CyberConnect2. The game is called Full Bokko Heroes in Japan and was one of the first Japanese Mobile games that I’ve ever played. It’s also my favourite game back then!
The game features many mythical and legendary heroes such as Jeanne D’Arc, Cinderella, Kaguya, Fenrir, Juggernaut, Bahamut, etc.
Controls are pretty simple whereby players only need to slide your characters left or right to fend off the enemies’s onslaught.
Pre-register for the game now and receive many valuable prizes when the game launches. Also, Players can sign up for a short Close Beta Test for 4 days without any data wipe!