Gamestart Asia has officially and unofficially opened today! Since I’m not able to attend GStar at Busan, I guess Gamestart is also a good alternative.
The official opening for the event is actually today but is limited to VIPs, Media, and the Game Business people. The event will be open to the public over the next 2 days at Suntec City Convention Hall 401 & 402. If you’d like to see what are the upcoming games (especially Playstation 4), do remember to drop by and have some hands-on the game. You can get your tickets here.
I was actually very lucky to get hold of a media pass and had a quick look at the event venue today. There was quite a number of local upcoming mobile games that caught my attention and surprisingly, the quality of these games are actually not bad. I’ll be writing about them over the next few days so do remember keep coming back for updates!
Here’s a few pictures I managed to take today. I promise I’ll do better to take more pictures of girls games on day 2! Sorry the pictures are a little dark because the venue is dark!