Bandai Namco has announced the launch of their latest mobile game, Grandcrest War. Players who are interested in the game can now download it from Japan’s App or Play Store.
Before I start, iOS Players might have some issues running the game. Hopefully they can fix the bug ASAP.
This an Action RPG game based on the light novel, Record of Grancrest War. The unique thing about the game is that you can summon troops to help you fight difficult bosses, something similar to the Dynasty warrior game.
What’s great about the game is the cartoon-ish artstyle, something not often used in a Action RPG genre.
Controls are pretty standard, you control your characters with the D-pad and attack by tapping on the character portrait. Hold onto your portrait and release to summon your troops. I’m not sure if you can do skills in the game as I can’t get past tutorial due to the iOS bug. Hopefully, they can fix the bug soon as most of the people in pao chat is excited with the game.
Bandai Namco