Has Peace Been Achieved Between PONOS and The OutCats?


An accord has been reached between PONOS Corporation and The OutCats following last week’s dramatic heist and cyberattack against the renowned developer of The Battle Cats. 

In a statement published on November 24th, PONOS revealed that the two parties have agreed on mutually acceptable terms. 

The rapprochement comes after The OutCats broke into a PONOS warehouse and made off with a staggering 100 million cans of Cat Food, hacked into the company’s social media accounts, and published a ransom video to the game’s fans.

In an anonymous message, The OutCats revealed themselves to be a syndicate of The Battle Cats rejects demanding justice in the form of long-awaited membership. 

Revealing the identities of The OutCats as Trash Cat, Stealth Cat, and Sick Cat, PONOS’s statement draws a line under the dispute and outlines the terms of their agreement. 

The Cat Food will not be returned, no criminal charges will be brought, and PONOS will allow one (1) of The OutCats to join The Battle Cats next spring following a public vote, to be held immediately. 

In order to make their case, each Cat has an old audition video. They’ve all been made available to view on the PONOS Corporation YouTube channel. You can find them all below:

Voting is open until December 3rd, and The OutCats have agreed to put up the remaining cans of Cat Food as lottery prizes to encourage participation in this important democratic process. 

Nine voters, selected at random, will each receive 9,999 cans of Cat Food after voting is closed. 

To cast your vote, simply log in to The Battle Cats and buy a single Rare Cat Ticket. You can also download The Battle Cats on Android and iOS.

PONOS Corporation’s full statement is available on the company’s recently recovered social media channels. 

Read it in full here