Gamevil has announced the pre-registration event for their upcoming mobile game, Heir of Light. The game is slated to launch on the 6th of March so hurry and pre-register now to get yourself some awesome prizes for when the game launches!
HEIR OF LIGHT is the second joint venture between mobile games publisher GAMEVIL and developer FUNFLOW, after a successful effort in Kritika: The White Knights. Integrating their collective fields of expertise, the GAMEVIL–FUNFLOW collaboration is now aiming to reinforce their global acclaim. Users will be introduced to an immersive gaming experience through impressive graphics, a sublime orchestral score, a captivatingly dark storyline, and a unique team building system where one “Master” is paired with three “Servants” to utilize powerful Combo Skills.
Pre-registration can be done through the HEIR OF LIGHT pre-registration page, the Google Play store, or Apple’s App Store (links provided below). Pre-registration will be available to all players globally, and additional rewards will be available to users who log into the game by March 31 (PST).
@ Google Play or App Store (Mobile only)