PATI Games had just announced the pre-registration event for their latest Globalized mobile game, Hero Shooter – 3Kingdom Strike (英雄シューター~乱撃三国志~). This game is making me go googoo gaga as it is a combination of both my favorite 3 Kingdom theme and Space Shooter Genre. Oh before I forget, seems like there’s going to be a English version.
Hero Shooter – 3Kingdom Strike is a Space Shooter (Alien invaders) kind of game with characters from the 3 Kingdom era.
Each character has different shooting styles accompanied with flashy skills to take down the enemies quickly. The game is made to be easily played with only 1 finger thus making it user friendly.
Pre-register the game now and you’ll get a free 4* weapon when the game launches. Also, there’s a Flying Gacha event going on now. Connect either with Facebook or Twitter and you’ll be given 20 chances to gacha a 6* character before the game launches.
Here are the 6* characters that you’ll be able to get:
The rate is actually quite good as it took me only 10 tries to get the 6* Zhao Yun.