Redbana has announced the global pre-registration event for their upcoming mobile game, Hexmon War. This free-to-play mobile game combines real-time strategy with a touch of monster battle RPG where players capture, collect and train creature companions called Hexmons.
The journey to becoming a Hexmon Grandmaster begins in the small town of Adela, a place well known for training great Hexmon Masters. Trouble is brewing just outside the peaceful town’s walls as wild Hexmons cause some problems for Adela’s residents and it’s up to brave Hexmon Masters to explore the surrounding Dungeons and get to the bottom of the mysterious rogue monsters!
To be honest, this is a company I haven’t heard in a really long time. I remember playing one of their MMO games many years ago. I’m really happy that they are going the Mobile Games route and Hexmon Wars do look like it has some potential to be good.
Pre-register now and get yourself some awesome items when the game soft launches sometime in April!