Hollow Era Fighting Styles – Kendo and Kido!

Feature image for our hollow era fighting styles guide showing a tall hollow looking down at a player who is a soul

This Hollow Era Fighting Styles guide tells you how to unlock both the Kendo and Kido abilities, including their nodes and skills.

Start playing Hollow Era on Roblox. For more on this Bleach-inspired game, check out our Hollow Era Arrancar Reiatsu Guide and Hollow Era Shikai Reiatsu Guide.

Hollow Era Fighting Styles Guide

Fighting styles offer new avenues when engaged in combat and aren’t lineage specific abilities. They extend skill trees with new focuses and have different obtainments and enhancements. Let’s get into it!

Kendo Master

The Kendo fighting skills are sword exclusive, meaning they strive to upgrade weapon skills during combat. When performing any Kendo skill, the player must have their sword equipped to execute the move smoothly.

To unlock the Kendo Master skill tree, speak with the Musashi NPC located in the Crystal Cave and hand him a Kendo Scroll. The scrolls drop from the Kenpachi Boss (Level 25+) with an unknown drop chance.

Kendo Nodes

  • Kendo Mastery: Gain access to more Kendo Skills.


  • Extermination – The player unsheathes their blade and quickly slashes diagonally.
  • Wolf Counter – Cast three slashes in all directions from the player’s body by spinning their body.
  • Mercenary – Slice the air upwards sending a powerful ripple forwards of the attack.
  • Bloodlust – Dash past an enemy, casting lethal slashes in your wake.

Kido Specialist

Kido doesn’t have a core focus like Kendo. However, it’s still obtained by finding a relevant scroll and presenting it to an NPC. The Kido Scroll drops from the Byakuya Boss (Level 35+) located on the top of Execution Hill.

Kido Nodes

  • Kido Specialist: Gain access to more Kido Skills.


  • Heavenly Cannon – The player conjures five rods made of reiatsu and fires them forwards.
  • Fire Blade Sacrifice – Grab and hold an opponent steady before casting a giant sword of fire on the floor to damage and burn enemies.
  • Kurohitsugi – Summons a black coffin which traps targets.
  • Goryutenmetsu – Conjures a dragon made of reiatsu that fights alongside the player, destroying any mob in sight.
  • Lightning Dragon Cannon – The player shoots a powerful beam of lightning.