Hollow Era Resurrection Guide – How To Obtain, Skills, and More!

Feature image for our hollow era resurrection guide showing a hollow from a bottom-up view standing out in the daylight

Feeling hollow without your res? This Hollow Era Resurrection Guide tells you how to obtain your very own, how it’s used, the rarities, skills, and more!

Start playing Hollow Era on Roblox. For more on this Bleach-inspired game, check out our Hollow Era Arrancar Reiatsu Guide and Hollow Era Resurrection Tier List.

Hollow Era Resurrection Guide – Obtainment and Use

To obtain Resurrection as an Arrancar or Espada player, reach Level 50 and accept the quest given by the King of Hueco Mundo who resides in Las Notches. He will request that you obliterate 50 Arrancars in exchange for your Resurrection prestige.

Once adorned, the player can toggle their Resurrection using the ‘Y’ key when their Rage Bar is full. Rage accumulates as the player deals and takes damage, and once it pulsates, it’s ready to trigger. Resurrection ends when the player runs out of Rage or Reiatsu, or is manually deactivated by holding ‘Y’.

Common Resurrection

Players have a 60% chance to roll for a Common Resurrection.

  • Pantera
    • Z Move – The player charges up before lunging forwards with a slash.
    • X Move – The player performs a rapid 3-combo slash.
    • C Move – Fires a forwards reiatsu burst.
    • Ultimate – The player leaps into the air before slashing downwards twice.

Uncommon Resurrection

Players have a 29% chance to roll for an Uncommon Resurrection.

  • Los Lobos
    • Z Move – Fires a burst of bullets using both guns.
    • X Move – The guns temporarily transform into swords which the players use to slash forwards, dragging opponents.
    • C Move – Conjure a pack of wolves before releasing them to attack on behalf of the summoner.
    • Ultimate (Cero Metraletta) – The player unleashes a fierce barrage of Ceroes at opponents.

Rare Resurrection

Players have a 10% chance to roll for a Rare Resurrection.

  • Arrogante
    • Z Move – The player conjures an orb of Miasma to fire at a target.
    • X Move – Fire a Miasma slash.
    • C Move – Take to the sky and slam down on an opponent, causing a small explosion on impact.
    • Ultimate – The player unleashes a devastating wave of Miasma which crashes into targets.

Legendary Resurrection

Players have a 1% chance to roll for a Legendary Resurrection.

  • Murcielago
    • Z Move – The player takes to the skies before crashing with destructive impact into the ground where their cursor is.
    • X Move – Fires a powerful beam of Cero from the player’s finger.
    • C Move – Propels the player forwards using their wings, damaging and lifestealing from any target in its path.
    • Ultimate (Lanza Del Relampago) – The player throws a spear into the air which crashes where the cursor is and annihilates anything caught in its landing radius.