If you want to know How to Get Kakuja in Ghoul RE keep reading! This guide covers the known requirements for this third Kaneki Kagune prestige.
Start playing Ghoul RE on Roblox. For more on this Tokyo Ghoul-inspired game, check out our Ghoul RE Kagune V2 Requirements Guide and Ghoul RE Kagune Tier List.
How To Get Kakuja in Ghoul RE
Before I get into the requirements, these are open to change! The DEVs haven’t released official information regarding the Kakuja requirements, and the ones listed were found by the community and only relate to the Kaneki Ken Kagune.
In future updates, every Kagune should have a Kakuja, potentially with different obtainments. So, use this guide to prepare for the update! If any information changes or I learn something new, I’ll update this guide ASAP, so please feel free to bookmark and check back.
Ken Kakuja Requirements
Kens Kagune is the only one with a Kakuja as of right now. So, to begin your journey, you’ll need to obtain this Legendary (3% chance) Kagune and begin wielding it in battle.
With Ken equipped, head to the Hospital. Press ‘P’ on your keyboard to bring up waypoints and find the hospital tag to get there. When inside, speak with the Doctor at the front desk. This NPC allows you to look at your RC Cell count.
Your first requirement is to obtain 2.5 Million RC Cells! Meanwhile, you’ll also need to unlock Kens V2 Kagune, which also requires RC Cells. I linked a guide above which dives into more detail, but the base requirements are between 200,000-350,000K Cells and stabilizing your Grade.
Speaking of Grades, you’ll need to reach SSS Rank (Maximum). With Ken V2, SSS Rank, and your 2.5 Million RC Cells, take a trip to the Construction Yard during or just after a Permadeath Event. An NPC sits on top of the green container unit, and will rotate between one of four messages to tell you how far along your progress to unlocking centipede (Kakuja) is.
Finally, you’ll need five One-Eyed Fragments which drop from the Eto Raid Boss. But whether you keep hold of these in your inventory or consume them isn’t yet known.