How To Unlock Anime Vanguards Legend Stages

Feature image for our anime vanguards paragon mode guide which shows the back of my avatar who is stood to the right and facing a portal that is blue with swirls inside it

This How to Unlock Anime Vangaurds Legend Stages guide does exactly what it says on the tin! If you want to truly put your team build to the test and get generous loot in return stick around as I tell you all you need to know!

Start playing Anime Vanguards on Roblox. For more guides on this anime goodie bag game, check out my Anime Vanguards Stats Guide. Or, why not read my Anime Vanguards Essences Guide if you’re ready to evolve your units to survive the Legend Stages?

How To Unlock Anime Vanguards Legend Stages

Legend Stages is an elusive secret game mode that you’ll only gain access to when you’ve proved yourself to be a top-tier tower defender. To unlock the Anime Vanguards Legend Stages, you must complete each act under a certain stage map on Nightmare difficulty.

For example, if you complete all stages for the Planet Namek Nightmare mode, you’ll unlock the Planet Namek Legend Stages. Planet Namek has 8 modes on its map, with each becoming progressively more difficult to test your team build and strength.

When unlocked, Paragon mode will show on the bottom right when you enter a chamber in the ‘Play’ area near the stage rewards section. You’ll be able to toggle the stages between Normal, Nightmare and Paragon depending on what you fancy!

What Are Legend Stages?

Legend Stages, formerly Paragon Mode is great for farming Gems, Gold, food items and unit EXP, with each wave depositing a large sum both into your balance and team. This game mode is unique versus the standard stages and pressures you to adopt a new strategy during gameplay.

As you progress, the enemy’s path of travel will change, forcing you to reconsider unit placement for survivability. In addition to this, each wave gets progressively more hostile, good luck!