Sega has announced the launch of the latest Phantasy Star mobile game, IDOLA Phantasy Star Saga. Players who are interested in playing the game can now download it from Japan’s App or Play Store.
IDOLA Phantasy Star Saga is the latest series to commemorate 30 years of the Phantasy Star universe. The game is a simple turn-based RPG which may seem very familiar to most of you. Yes, I believe this is Sega’s plan to compete with FGO.
Combat is pretty simple, you select the type of attack you want your character to perform and hit the Attack button for the sequence to play. Something special about the game is that, each character is divided into 2 different factions, Law and Chaos. You can form 2 parties of 4 characters based on the 2 factions and use them interchangeably in combat.
The character art-style and design are pretty however, I feel that the characters look too far behind during combat. The developers could have minimize the character portrait a little more and enlarge the characters. If I’m going to spend money to Gacha a waifu, I would like to see her up close and not miles away.
As for the Gacha, it’s the same as FGO. Characters and Equipment are mixed in the same gacha pool. Currently, there are only 4 5-Star characters in the game.