Ijul Piece 2 Specs Guide – Unlocking Every Spec!

Feature image for our Ijul Piece 2 Specs guide showing the Yuji Spec Seller NPC stood against a dark wall in his iconic JJK school uniform

You are my SPECial (Goated intro). This Ijul Piece 2 Specs Guide outlines what this unusual power type is, its tiers of progression and how to obtain each Spec in the game.

Start playing Ijul Piece 2 on Roblox. For more guides on this game inspired by a game, check out my related Ijul Piece 2 Islands Guide and Ijul Piece 2 Sea Beast Guide.

Ijul Piece 2 Specs Guide

Specs is a shorthand term for Specialisation, essentially meaning that you’ll be specialising in a certain combat technique depending on your Spec lineage. In Ijul Piece 2, numerous NPCs will sell you Specs related to various iconic anime characters for a hefty price and related materials.

Some Specs also have further upgrades from V1 to V2 and in rare cases a V3. Naturally, each Spec upgrade is stronger than the last and requires a fair bit of grinding to acquire.

V1 Specs

  • Megumin Spec
    • Obtain from Megumin Spec Seller NPC found at Buggy Town
    • Requires: 250 Diamonds, x1 Megumin Hat (5% chance to drop from the Cid Boss)
  • Yuji Spec
    • Obtain from Yuji Spec Seller NPC located in Windmill Island
    • Requires: 250 Diamonds, x1 Yuji Hair (Obtained from Random Item NPC)
  • Getsuga Spec
    • Obtain from Getsuga Spec Seller NPC residing on Snow Island
    • Requirements: 500 Diamonds, x1 Ichigo Hair (5% chance to drop from Ichigo Boss)
  • Yuta Spec
    • Obtain from Yuta Spec Seller NPC located at Desert Island 2
    • Requirements: 4,500 Diaminds, 1x Yuta Hair (1% drop chance from Kingdom Boss), 1x Cursed Finger (0.5% drop chance from Sukuna Boss or a 0.75% drop chance from Sukuna V2 Boss)
  • Goku V1 Spec
    • Obtain from Goku V1 Spec Seller NPC at Mini House Island
    • Requirements: 2,500 Diamonds, 1x Goku Hair (10% Sea Beast boss drop or 0.03% chance at Goku Hair Clicker)
  • Gojo (Student) Spec
    • Obtain from Gojo (Student) Spec Seller NPC at Toji Island
    • Requirements: 5,000 Diamonds, x1 Gojo Blood (1% Toji Boss drop), x1 Gojo Hair Blood (0.5% Toji Boss drop)
  • Sukuna Spec
    • Obtain from Sukuna Spec Seller NPC found on Boss Island
    • Requirements: 5,000 Diamonds, x1 Cursed Finger (0.5% drop chance from Sukuna Boss or a 0.75% drop chance from Sukuna V2 Boss), x1 Yuji Spec
  • Cid Spec
    • Obtain from Cid Spec Seller NPC located in Windmill Island
    • Requirements: 7,500 Diamonds, x2 Atomic Bomb (5% drop chance from Cid Boss), x1 Cid Cloak (0.5% drop chance from Cid Boss)

V2 Specs

  • VastoLorde Spec
    • Obtain from VastoLorde Spec Seller NPC found in Hueco Mundo
    • Requirements: 9,999 Diamonds, x1 VastoLorde Cloak (1% Drop from VastoLorde World Boss, or 0.25% drop chance from VastoLorde Boss, or 0.8% drop chance from Aizen Boss), x1 Hollow Orb (5% drop chance from VastoLorde Boss), x1 Getsuga Spec
  • Goku V2 Spec
    • Obtained from Goku V2 Spec Seller found at Mini House Island
    • Requirements: 9,999 Diamonds, x1 Goku Super Hair (5% Sea Beast drop), 1x Mythical Sphere (2% Sea Beast drop), x1 Goku V1 Spec
  • Gojo (Shibuya) Spec
    • Obtained from Gojo (Shibuya) Spec Seller NPC at Boss Island
    • Requirements: 9,999 Diamonds, x1 Limitless Orb (0.25% drop chance from Gojo Boss), x1 Gojo Hair (0.5% drop chance from Gojo Boss), x1 Gojo (Student) Spec
  • Sukuna V2 Spec
    • Obtained from Sukuna V2 Spec Seller NPC on Boss Island
    • Requirements: 150,000 Diamonds, x19 Cursed Finger (0.5% drop chance from Sukuna Boss or a 0.75% drop chance from Sukuna V2 Boss), x1 Heian Eye (0.1% drop chance from Sukuna V2 Boss), x1 Sukuna Spec

V3 Specs

  • Gojo (Final) Spec
    • Obtained from Gojo (Final) Spec Seller NPC at Boss Island
    • Requirements: 100,000 Diamonds, x1 Infinity Orb (0.1% drop from Gojo Boss), x1 Gojo (Shibuya) Spec