Jujutsu Beatdown Black Flash Guide – Black Flash Mode and Variants!

Feature image for our Jujutsu Beatdown Black Flash Guide which shows my avatar performing a black flash punch atop a building with a visible kids playset in the background

This Jujustu Beatdown Black Flash Guide helps you channel your inner Yuji and demolish fellow Robloxians with a perfect Black Flash! If you’re struggling to perform it or wondering if it’s worth unleashing stick around.

Check out Jujustu Beatdown on Roblox. If you’re a fan of freebies and JJK, I also have a Jujutsu Beatdown Codes guide.

Jujutsu Beatdown Black Flash Guide

Black Flash isn’t limited to Yuji’s character builds despite that seeming like an obvious given. Rather, the Black Flash has 3 additional variants including:

  • Satoru Gojo – Hollow Purple: Nuke
  • Sukuna – World Cutting Slash
  • Sukuna – Barrierless Domain/Domain Expansion

Variants only work when a player enters the Black Flash Zone.

How To Unleash A Black Flash Base Attack

Unlike other JJK-inspired battleground games on Roblox, a Black Flash isn’t charged by a meter in Jujutsu Beatdown. Instead, when a user triggers their Cursed Energy (E Keybind) and hits a target, they have a small chance of performing a Black Flash.

When a Black Flash is performed, their Cursed Energy colour changes from blue to electrifying black and red. During this small window of time, a Black Flash should be performed on a target to enter the attacker into their Black Flash Zone.

A trick to triggering Black Flash is to spam your Cursed Energy by repeatedly pressing E to enter and exit your CE.

Entering The Black Flash Zone

Once a target is successfully hit with a base attacking Black Flash, the player enters their Black Flash Zone. During this, each variant of Black Flash can be used including the Gojo and Sukuna Variants.

Black Flash Zone doesn’t last eternally, so I recommend entering combat sooner than later when in your Zone. You’ll recognise when you’re in the BF Zone as your avatar will be shrouded in black and red electricity for the duration.