Feeling out of control? This Jujutsu Infinite Controls Guide helps you recap all the main key binds so you don’t fumble during combat.
Start playing Jujutsu Infinite on Roblox. For more on this Jujutsu Kaisen-inspired game, check out our Jujutsu Infinite Domain Shard Guide and Jujutsu Infinite Domain Expansion Tier List.
Jujutsu Infinite Controls Guide
Taking back control of your game is more than combat. In Jujutsu Infinite, there are plenty of different key combinations to remember for even the simplest tasks such as toggling UI and teleportation between hubs. So, let’s get into it!
Combat Controls
For all your fighting needs. These will be the main controls that you must learn in Jujutsu Infinite to progress.
- LMB – Light punch.
- RMB – Perform a Black Flash/Chanting if the Skill is unlocked via the respective Skill Tree.
- Spacebar – Jump
- Double tap the Spacebar to Double Jump.
- Q – Dash
- Pressing Q immediately after the first long dash will trigger a shorter dash.
- Pressing Q again will cancel out all directional keys and the dash (WASD)
- R – Heavy Punch.
- E – Rush to a target
- Letting go of E will let the opponent become holdable to perform close-combat moves.
- If the camera isn’t facing a target when pressing E, the player will move in the direction of the camera instead.
- F – Block/Guard.
Quality of Life Controls
This section includes anything outside of combat and shows the underbelly of Jujutsu Infinite such as settings and preferences toggles.
- H – Perform an escape combo vent (when prompted in-game).
- J – Teleport between spawn and active quest locations.
- B – Trigger the Emote wheel pop-up.
- Shift + P – Enter Freecam mode.
- CTRL + P – Toggle UI availability. (Good for taking scenic screencaps).
- Left CTRL – Toggle auto sprint on and off.
- Left Shift – Enter Shiftlock which locks the camera in place whilst the player continues to move.