Jujutsu Tycoon Traits Guide

Feature image for our Jujutsu Tycoon Traits guide showing the traits npc sitting on a bed of white cushions surrounded by various colourful teddy bears

My Jujutsu Tycoon Traits guide (Domain) expands your knowledge on Traits including how to unlock them, and the three Trait lineages, their perks, tiers and upgrade prices!

Check out Jujutsu Tycoon on Roblox. For more content on this JJK-inspired title, take a look at my Jujutsu Tycoon Techniques Tier List ranking each move set available in the game.

Jujutsu Tycoon Traits Guide

To unlock Traits, you’ll need to expand your Tycoon until you have the option to purchase “Traits” for 1,000 Cash. The Traits NPC, Masamichi Yaga sits on a bed of plushies within your Tycoon Dojo.

When you interact with him, a pop-up menu will display the three unique Trait categories including Heavenly Pact, Infinity and Inventory. Each Trait has 3 branching levels of progression, costing Yen to upgrade. Traits apply permanent buffers to your character which aids in completing combat quests, boss battles, and surviving PvP and PvE.

To earn Yen, you’ll need to battle bosses and win. Not every boss drops Yen, so be sure to check the rewards before entering combat by selecting the ‘Boss Teleport’ button on the left of the game screen (Appears as a silhouette with swirls around the body).

Heavenly Pact

Heavenly Pact is ideal for players who want to increase their Speed build.

  • Purchase – 1,500 Yen
    • +20% Dash Distance
    • -10% Dash Cooldown
  • First Level – 3,500 Yen
    • +20% Dash Distance
    • -10% Dash Cooldown
  • Second Level – 5,000 Yen
    • +20% Dash Distance
    • -10% Dash Cooldown
    • +Flashstep
  • Third Level – MAX
    • -20% Dash Distance
    • -10% Dash Cooldown


Levelling your Infinity Lineage will grant you more HP, increasing survivability.

  • Purchase – 1,500 Yen
    • +25 HP
  • First Level – 3,500 Yen
    • +25 HP
  • Second Level – 5,000 Yen
    • +25 HP
  • Third Level – MAX
    • +25 HP


Maxxing your Inventory Trait lineage will allow for more equip slots to wield more Techniques in combat.

  • Purchase – 1,500 Yen
    • +1 Equip Slot
  • First Level – 3,500 Yen
    • +1 Equip Slot
  • Second Level – 5,000 Yen
    • +1 Equip Slot
  • Third Level – MAX
    • +1 Equip Slot