Kingdom of War – Soft Launch


Gamevil has announced the soft launch for their upcoming mobile game, Kingdom of War. Players from the 14 selected soft launch countries can now download the game from the Google Play Store and enjoy the mini headstart/testing phase.



Kingdom of War is a mobile strategy RPG which offers a wide array of heroes which players can recruit into a four man party to assist in epic quests. The game features a unique “Tactical Mode” that freezes gameplay and allows players to take full command over the movement, skills, and attacks for all four allies. Players will be able to assemble custom teams and develop strategies for Kingdom of War’s unique game defining battle mechanics. Utilize teamwork and tactics in Conquest Battle as you and your Guild have a limited amount of time in an all-out territory battle against other competing guilds.

kbp_kingdomofwar_game4 kbp_kingdomofwar_game3Currently, the game is available in the following 14 countries:

·       Australia
·       Singapore
·       Philippines
·       Malaysia
·       Canada
·       Saudi Arabia
·       Turkey
·       Netherlands
·       Sweden
·       New Zealand
·       United Arab Emirates
·       India
·       Italy
·       Kuwait



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