Gameloft has announced the soft launch for their upcoming mobile game, LEGO Legacy: Heroes Unboxed. Players from Philippines, Romania, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Netherlands, New Zealand and Malaysia can now download the game from the Google Play Store.
LEGO Legacy: Heroes Unboxed is a turn-based RPG based on the Lego universe. Players can collect iconic minifigure heroes from the LEGO world such as Hot Dog Man, Chicken Suit Guy, Captain Redbeard, Willa the Witch, Red Spaceman and more!
Combat is turn-based thus you can pick up the game very easily. All you have to do is tap on the skill you wish your characters to perform and it will execute your command.
Sadly, the game doesn’t have many characters which is why the collection of heroes are shard based. Based on the character’s rarity, you will need to collect 10, 30 or 65 shards to unlock a 1 star version of the character. More shards are needed to increase the star level of each character. In this soft launch, there are only 48 different characters for Players to collect.
Graphically, the game looks really good even when played on an emulator. I’m liking the LEGO vibe that can be seen from the character art and world design. If you enjoy playing games from the LEGO franchise, you should give this a try!