PATI Games has announced earlier today, the launch of their latest mobile game, Minimon Masters on the App Store. The Android version of the game was launched 3 weeks back. If you like cutesy monsters and cool looking heroes, read on to find out more!
The game starts off with an interesting storyline where the main protagonist and his friend was suck into an unknown fantasy world through his own television set. Players will take on the role as the main protagonist and fulfil the prophecy to save this magical world and your friend who was captured by the bad guy, Pasoon.
Minimon Masters is a simple ARPG with Korean style Monster Breeding mechanics. There are two different types of Gachas, the first will be your Champions whom you’ll control and attack monsters with. The second Gachas are the Minimons themselves. Minimons possess skills that can be used as a boost or utility for your Champions. Something special about the game is that the Adventure mode and the Main Story Mode is separated. This is actually a very good feature as some players would prefer to set aside time to understand more about the game’s lore (continuously) instead of being interrupted by the many stages inbetween.
The game uses quite a lot of bright colours giving the very cartoon-ish feel. However, I’m not sure if it’s due to my low level and low rarity monsters, the skills in this game is not as flashy as the usual Korean Games. The biggest problem or rather the downside of the game is that the in-app purchase in this game seems to be a little more pricey compared to most other games of similar gameplay.
1. A new world where you can prove your power, World Class RPG!
Global Ranking system available
2. Spectacular Graphics
Experience the spectacular skill effects and graphics only available on Full Action 3D
3. Housing system using various Skins and Items
Personal Customizing
4. Joy of Collecting
Create set items for the cute Minimons and Heroes
5. Strategical Gameplay
A strategical party with 5 different attribute combinations.
6. A wide variety of contents
Starting from the date of launch, you can enjoy Adventure Mode, Envoy’s Story, Tower of Heroes, Raid Festival and even Arena.
7. In-depth stories
Stories with amazing effects and a new view of the world.
The game is now available globally and supports 4 different languages (English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean). Download the game now and let’s catch some Minimons!
PATI Games