Bandai Namco has announced the launch of their latest English mobile game Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing. Players from UK, France and Germany can now download the game from your local Play/App Stores!
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Blazing is a mobile Role-Playing Game based on the famous manga, Naruto. Players can attack enemies by simply dragging your characters and place it next to the enemy within your attack range. Furthermore, players can heal or perform powerful combo attacks with your teammates when they are within range.
Unlike the Japanese version, there are no indications on the rates for summons. Furthermore, I just did my 1st 10 pulls and I can safely say that the rates are definitely lower than the Japanese version.
Check out my gameplay video from JP servers:
Anyway, the game is now available in UK, France and Germany. They will be rolling the game out to more countries over the next few days so stay tuned for more information!
Bandai Namco