Is Season 3 Finally Coming? The Noragami 10th Anniversary Countdown Forecasts Huge Announcements!

Feature image for our Noragami 10th Anniversary news showing a blurred illustration of the main 3 sat atop a building with a newer illustration at the front and centre showing them all appearing to be falling and wearing 10th anniversary celebratory shirts

A huge announcement from Noragami is expected on the 10th of August, this ceremonial date for the anime marks its 10th anniversary and self-proclaimed Yato Day, doubling as a celebration for the protagonist’s birthday.

The Manga for Noragami had its final chapter release back in January of this year. However, with season 2 airing back in late 2015, the likelihood of a season 3 announcement remains low.

Some of the more favourable suggestions for the 10th-anniversary announcement include more illustrations, a popularity poll or an art exhibit. In recent, Tokyo Ghoul also celebrated their first double-digit milestone with an art exhibit that will travel between Tokyo and Osaka later this year.

The hype for the Noragami 10th Anniversary isn’t new, with the first whispers happening back at the 2024 Anime Expo Panels where a panellist mentioned the 10th-anniversary project and claimed ‘It is the start of something.’

Noragami 10th Anniversary Announcements So Far

A countdown began on August 6th, 4 days before the main upcoming highlight, Yato Day. In total, it was shared that 7 announcements will be made, of which we have already received 3. It started with a commemorative illustration by Toshihiro Kawamoto, a chief director and character designer at Studio Bones who worked closely on the Noragami project. (As shown in the Feature Image of this news).

Following this, the second announcement included a memorial Blu-Ray Box of the animated series so far. The final announcement to date is the first season of Noragami streaming for free on YouTube in Japan.

The Anime’s director, Kotaro Tamura also created an illustration for the occasion featuring the iconic main three, Yato, Hiyori and Yukine all wearing celebratory shirts with mixed feelings. Something I know for certain was Yato’s idea… Following this was a message from Hiyori’s VA, Maaya Uchida, who wrote:

From Maaya Uchida, the voice of Hiyori Iki.

Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of Noragami TV Anime!! I have cried, laughed and grown a lot with Hiyori! I will always love Noragami!

The voice of Hiyori Iki,

Maaya Uchida

Image shows the celebratory illustration and message from Hiyori's VA

Until August 10th, we likely won’t know what the remaining four announcements will entail. For more information, check out the source of today’s news. And, whilst you wait on the full announcement, have a read of our Tokyo Ghoul EX Exhibition Announces a Theatre Showing of An Iconic Fight news piece.