3 Otome Games That Need An Anime Adaptation

a collage feature image for our otome games that need an anime adaptation article, on the left is zafora from radiant tale looking to the side, the middle image is goemon from the side as he smiles slightly, and the image on the right is kohei laying his head on his arms at his desk with a keyboard close to him as he smiles sleepily

So, which 3 titles are my top picks for the Otome games that need an anime adaptation?

Turning an Otome game into an anime isn’t exactly an easy feat. The entire series would largely focus on one romance route, so some viewers will be disappointed to see their favourite characters on the sidelines.

If we ignore the logistics though, some Otome titles would work perfectly as an anime. Especially those that have an underlying plot instead of just straight-up romance.

All of this is purely subjective and doesn’t reflect any upcoming announcements of adaptations… sadly. However, we do have a feature on why you should watch Dorohedoro!

Sympathy Kiss

a group of 5 men and a female character in their work uniforms standing in a bar in sympathy kiss as they hold drinks and smile, with the bartender being the bar cleaning a glass

Starting with a milder plot, I think Sympathy Kiss would be a perfect Otome to turn into a slice-of-life office drama.

Think Wotakoi but with slightly more intense romance. The plot of Sympathy Kiss, if you remove the romance, is all about the main protagonist navigating her way through an office job.

She wants to do a good job at Estario, but the competitors refuse to stay at bay. Having a workplace storyline that people can relate to could work brilliantly alongside a romance plot too.

My favourite character from Sympathy Kiss is Nori, as his story has the right amount of drama, spice, and wholesome moments. But the other guys are great as well!

Most of Nori’s story takes place outside of the office, so it’d be a nice break on screen to see the protagonist in her own space rather than just at her desk all day.

Tengoku Struggle Strayside

the 4 love interests from tengoku struggle strayside as they walk forward in hell, with the walls painted with flames, the 2 men in the middle look disinterested while the 2 men on either side are looking directly ahead

Now this one ramps up the plot to 100, and I’m not just talking about the warm temperature. Tengoku Struggle takes place in both Hell and the real world.

From the start, there’s a ton of lore thrown at you, which you can expertly summarise in the first episode of an anime adaptation. All of the characters are full of personality, so even if your favourite route isn’t shown, they’ll still get plenty of screen time.

The backstories of all characters get pretty deep. So, no matter whose route is chosen, the drama is turned up to the max at all times.

I’d love to see how the anime series would take the concept of the Blood Bond and turn it from an implemented game feature into a visual piece of lore too!

Radiant Tale

promo art of all characters from the radiant tale otome, as they all wear their stage costumes for the circus with some holding weapons and smiling, and others looking stern with confetti flying everywhere

A bit of a different one! With the original game having a sequel, players (including myself), would love to see both games adapted.

I’m focusing on the first game for this feature though as it includes the majority of the world-building and main plot. The sequel is more of a ribbon that ties the parcel together at the end regarding the romance.

Radiant Tale is a fantasy adventure that would easily translate to an anime format. I can already think of a few shows off of the top of my head that nail the romantic fantasy genre.

The original game doesn’t even require you to end up with a partner if you reach the ‘common ending’. So, if the anime wanted to stay fair to all players, it could just follow the journey of the members of CIRCUS. A lot happens, so it would fill an entire season without a shadow of a doubt.