Nexon has announced the official launch date for Overhit. Global Players can expect to play the game starting 30 May 2019.
First launched in Korea 2017, Overhit is a 3D turn-based Hero collection RPG. For a 2017 game, the graphics are top notched. Graphics are so good that the game actually gotten a nickname called “Overheat”. However, most modern phones these days should be able to run the game easily.
As some of you might already know, the game is currently in soft launch in Australia and Canada. For those of you who are worried that Players from these 2 countries will have a lot of head start advantage, fret not. The developers has announced on the official Facebook Page that there will be new servers following the launch of the global version. Everyone would be able to start fresh on these new servers.
Pre-registration is still happening right now, so hurry and participate if you haven’t!