Phantom of the Kill – Android Soft Launch


The APK for Phantom of the Kill is finally released on the Play Store. Similar to the iOS version, the game is currently soft launched and only available in certain countries. However, just download the apk with the links below!

It really bothers me that Publisher don’t know the difference between soft launch and Close Beta… Anyway with the latest ingame Notice, I believe the current game built is the soft launch version as players who bind their account with Facebook, will get to keep your account until official launch.

Phantom of the Kill is a SRPG with tons of Waifus for players to collect. The game requires quite a bit of strategical thinking and placement in order to defeat difficult bosses.

kbp_phantomofthekill_game1 kbp_phantomofthekill_game2

They did change the loading screen at the beginning of the game, making it a chore to reroll. Although parts of the game will take quite some time to load, the current build is more or less stable.

Enjoy and see you ingame!

APK Download Link