Pokemon Sleep – Coming Later this Month


Earlier today, The Pokemon Company had released a new gameplay trailer for its upcoming Pokemon Sleep mobile game. The game is slated to launch later this month so prepare your pillows and get ready to sleep!

Basically, this is a game that tracks your sleeping habits and in turn unlock the “Sleep Style Dex”. The “Sleep Style Dex” is basically the different sleeping styles of each Pokemon. Playing this game is simple: just place your smartphone by your pillow, then go to sleep.

Place your smartphone by your pillow when you go to bed to record and measure your sleep. The longer you sleep, the higher your score in the morning, and the more PokĂ©mon you’ll see appear around Snorlax. Your nights of sleep will be classified as one of three sleep styles—dozing, snoozing, or slumbering—and in the morning, PokĂ©mon that sleep in similar ways will come gather around Snorlax.

If you’re worried about radiation, you can also use the PokĂ©mon GO Plus +, which allows you to keep track of your sleep with the press of a button. PokĂ©mon GO Plus + uses Bluetooth Low Energy technology to link with PokĂ©mon Sleep.

Stay tuned for the launch date!