Glu Games has recently soft launch a brand new mobile game, Animus Project. The game currently available only on iOS for players in New Zealand, Canada and Singapore. If you happen to have a iTunes account from one of this country, you can download the game and try it!
Animus Project is a Hack’n’Slash Action RPG playable using only 1 finger. If you happen to be a cat lover, you’ll definitely love this title as cats seems to play a big role in the game alongside all the cutesy monsters. Players will be tasked to defend the Castle by taking on all kinds of monsters that will appear through the Story Mode. You’ll also be able to party up with other Players to take on large raid bosses.
Although the game is vaguely similar to White Cat Project, the controls in Animus Project is very bad. As an Action RPG, it is important for game controls to be responsive and fluid so that your characters can dodge attacks in a timely manner. However, the game developers decided to add in the proximity auto-attack thinking that it’ll actually benefit players but instead, I find it to be the breaking point for the game. Due to the auto-attacks, I found myself unable to dodge monster’s attacks as the system does not allow you to break your attack once your swing that hammer. Furthermore, the servers are actually very laggy and I find myself spending a lot of timing waiting for the server to connect and bring me to the next page.
As the game is only in soft-launch, I really hope that Glu can make improvements to the game and it’s server. The game has the potential to be good but as of now, it really needs some polishing.
Glu Games Inc.