Roblox Locked Weapons Guide – All Weapons And Rarity

Feature image for our Roblox Locked Weapons Guide. Image shows a character standing near football lockers.

Our Roblox Locked Weapons Guide goes through every weapon in the game, including their primary attack pattern, and their rarity.

Head over to the official Roblox website to play. Are weapons your thing? If so, we have a few posts covering the different weapons in other anime-inspired Roblox games. Visit our The Time of Ninja Weapons Guide and Weak Legacy 2 Weapons Guide.

Roblox Locked Weapons Guide

Let’s take a look!

Common (55%)

  • Rough – Throw yourself at opponents, making you both fall to the floor.
  • Direct Shot – To use this, the ball must be passed directly to you by someone else on your team. When doing this, you can perform a powerful shot.
  • Long Legs – When an M2 steal is performed, you will receive an increased hitbox every 20 seconds.
  • Iron Head – Your headers will become powerful.
  • Leader – This weapon lets you scream, which refills all your teammate’s stamina. It also buffs the speed and shot power of everyone on your team.

Rare (30%)

  • Accelerate – Quickly dash forward in your preferred direction.
  • Snatch – Goalkeepers have a 50% chance to catch the ball when diving.
  • Repel – This is for the Goalkeepers! When blocking a ball, it will be sent further away.
  • Web – When using the Web around opponents, it will force them to walk.
  • Neurotic – If you break your ankle, you will get a three-second speed boost.

Exotic (10%)

  • Watch Tower – Drop a large Watch Tower onto the pitch and summon a zone that will give you and your teammates a buff when standing in it.
  • Shadow – When pressing R, you get a speed boost.
  • Voracious – Allows you to get up from the ground faster in exchange for 15% stamina.
  • Copycat – Select another player and use their weapon for one turn. This has a 180-second cooldown.
  • Kunigami – Shoot a powerful shot anywhere on the field. To do this, press R and perform a full power kick within 10 seconds. This has a 25-second cooldown.

Legendary (5%)

  • Sword Screw – If the ball is in your possession, use this weapon to send the ball flying straight down by pressing R. Once it lands, use ‘Immense Spin’ on the ball, which will send it in the direction you faced before pressing R.
  • Nagi – Trap the ball while it is in the air by jumping and pressing R.
  • Monster – Launch the ball forward and dash towards it.
  • Riptide – Curve your shots either right or left.
  • Acrobatic – Do a scorpion kick or a handstand block by pressing R. On the second use, you can perform a super dive.
  • Speedster – Get a 30% speed boost for 20 seconds.

Unique (1%)

  • Planetary – Activate this after someone has kicked the ball. This weapon lets you teleport back to it and kick it.
  • Serpent – Press R to jump into the air and summon a snake that removes any ball that comes towards you.
  • Godspeed – Press R to launch forward and snatch the ball.
  • King – Lets you do 3 consecutive chops if you have the ball. This weapon also allows you to perform King Shot, which is active if you are in the box.
  • Emperor – Gives you a powerful kick.
  • Formless – When you hit the ball, press R to send it flying in the other direction. When you kick the ball, you jump into the air, which allows you to perform a double jump.