Rune Slayer Golden Fairy

Feature image for our rune slayer golden fairy guide showing a player sitting on the ground with their pet black ooze slime at nightfall

Despite not being the most useful pet or mob, the Rune Slayer Golden Fairy is one of the most sought-after. This guide explores the mythical creature, including where to find it and its purpose!

Start playing Rune Slayer on Roblox. For more on this brutal open-world RPG, check out our Rune Slayer Pets Guide and Rune Slayer Pet Tier List.

Rune Slayer Golden Fairy Guide

The Golden Fairy is a rarer variant of the standard Fairy, found in the Greatwood Forest. The regular fairy already has a low spawn chance, so encountering a Golden Fairy truly is hitting the jackpot!

These creatures aren’t naturally hostile, and taming one is as simple as interacting (Clicking on it) to earn its loyalty. Unlike other pets, the Golden Fairy applies a passive buff when it is the active companion. ‘Fairy Buff’ applies 3 more rolls on monster drops, increasing the amount and rarity of loot found when purging mobs.

In contrast, the regular Fairy starts their owner with a 0.4% Mana Damage Buff, which increases by 0.4% for every new level gained afterwards. The earliest players can find a Fairy is level 20, as this habitat is home to level 20+ mobs to fend off.

Back to the Golden Fairy, other than its buff, this pet doesn’t offer anything else. Unlike other pets, it’s not rideable, nor does it fight alongside the player to help take down foes.

Should You Tame The Golden Fairy?

Absolutely! Given its exceptional rarity, it’s worth adopting a Golden Fairy if you encounter one, even if it’s not your main companion. Sure, having a mount and attacking pet is more fruitful, but if you ever need to defeat a boss to gain certain low drop-rate rewards, the Golden Fairy will be a massive aid!

Likewise, if you encounter a standard Fairy it’s worth adopting them too as they passively increase the player’s mana per level gain, increasing their base stats past what other players can achieve.