Rune Slayer Rune Carver Guide – Obtainment and Uses!

Feature image for our rune slayer rune carver guide showing a blacksmith npc at an anvil whacking it with a hammer with a furnace burning behind him

Forget slaying runes! This Rune Slayer Rune Carver guide tells you how to obtain one of the rarest in-game items and how it’s used to enhance your player build!

Start playing Rune Slayer on Roblox. For more, check out our How To Join The Demon Sect in Rune Slayer Guide and Rune Slayer Bosses Guide.

Rune Slayer Rune Carver Guide

Rune Carvers are Legendary miscellaneous items obtained from either in-game Factions. Whether you join the noble Holy Knights or more mischievous Demon Sect, you’ll obtain Rune Carvers by exchanging x10 Gold inside of your respective Faction Store.

This item brims with power, and as implied by the name, carves sockets for Runes to fit onto equipment. This allows an equipment piece to have an additional Rune fusion, however, it comes at the cost of nullifying further item modifications.

So its an overpowered item despite its drawback preventing the item from gaining more prestige. Using it wisely makes all the difference between it being wasteful or meta. When using one, I recommend opting for already perfect gear such as Legendary Weapons (Identified by their Level 40 requirement and golden name).

About Runes

Runes come in all forms, stunting unique rarities and attributes. They fuse to equipment via a Blacksmith and apply stat enhancements. Some Runes may only fuse to certain equipment such as Weapons, Boots, Chest, etc.

About Factions

Both Factions keep their strongholds in Lakeshire, a town North of Wayshire. To join either one, you’ll need to visit the Knights Templar building and take the wooden elevator to the next floor. For the Holy Knights, follow the staircase to the right and over the rocks. Keep on track with the lanterns until you find the Arthiel, the Sacred Blade NPC and ask to join their cause.

For Demon Sect, from the elevator, speak to Sigurd and pay a fee to open the door behind him. Cross the bridge on the other side and towards the cobbled path on the left. When you reach the lava waterfall, head right and follow the slanted rock to an obby. Complete the parkour and reach the end where you can leap into a hole. Inside, speak with Malzareth, the Worldscorcher and ask to join the Demon Sect Faction.