Each Class offers some secondary Skills, making choosing your beginning Class all the more difficult. In this Rune Slayer Sub-Classes Guide, I detail each, including their attributes and costs!
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Rune Slayer Sub-Classes Guide
Each Class’s Sub-classes split into themed categories, which eventually evolve into a Skill Tree depending on player preference. Every choice shapes the player’s build, and the goal is to find a sub-class that helps them prosper and thrive. Let’s get into it!
Archer Branch
The Archer Class splits into two sub-classes, being the Sharpshooter and Beast Tamer. The former hones in on the class’s primary weapon, whilst the latter enhances the familial bonds with pets.
- Sharpshooter
- Double Tap [Passive] – Ballistic Shot has a chance to fire two arrows.
- Dragon Piercer [Active] – A charged and powerful shot capable of piercing dragon scales and other thick-skinned mobs.
- Physical DMG: 20
- Focus Drain: 35
- Ballistic Shot [Active] – A rapid-fire arrow that drops rapidly, making it hard to dodge.
- Physical DMG: 10
- Focus Drain: 15
- Beast Tamer
- Alpha Predator [Passive] – Allows this class to tame beasts.
- Feral Strikes [Passive] – Tamed Pets will heal in proportion to the damage they inflict.
- Focus Drain: 30
- Beastial Swiftness [Passive] – Increased movement speed when mounted on a tamed beast.
Warrior Branch
The Warrior branch splits into three, the Sword Master, Knight, and Berserker sub-classes. Sword Master focuses on flicker striking and piercing enemies. Knights prefer a balance between passive and active enhancers using shields, whilst Berserker loses all focus in blind rage-style attacks.
- Sword Master
- Flicker Strike [Active] – A strike which inflicts flicker on targets, creating a chain which damages every enemy inside the field.
- Focus Drain: 25
- Field [Active] – Place a field, allowing instant teleportation to enemies inside its radius.
- Focus Drain: 30
- Flux [Passive] – Each successful attack has a chance to build Stacks which encourage a Flicker Strike to hit primary targets for additional time.
- Knight
- Iron Will [Passive] – Absorb damage intended for allies for a short amount of time.
- Focus Drain: 20
- Shield Slam [Active] – Slam a shield in an AoE to generate high threat.
- Focus Drain: 25
- Exhaust [Passive] – Temporarily exhaust posture to gain damage reduction.
- Fortress [Passive] – When using a Shield Skill, become invincible to guardbreaks.
- Shield Crash [Active] – Charge forwards, slamming and blocking anything in the way.
- Focus Drain: 30
- Berserker
- Blood Craze [Passive] – Gain 25 Rage and 30% Movement Speed for 8-seconds after defeating an enemy.
- Rage [Passive] – Generates through battles and is spent in exchange for Berserker moves.
- Bloodlust [Passive] – Reclaim health by inflicting damage.
- Blood Thirst [Active] – Channel Rage into a two-strike attack, also reclaiming some health through lifesteal.
- Physical DMG: 10
- Focus Drain: 20
- Rage Drain: 50
- Enrage [Passive] – Gain a massive power buff in exchange for Rage.
- Rage Drain: 40
Thief Branch
Thieves branch into the Assassin and Ninja lineage. Both have unique takes on being unseen and stealthy.
- Assassin
- Veil [Passive] – Hide within shadows.
- Greater Initiative [Passive] – Attacks inflict more damage if the enemy is caught off guard.
- Shadow Step [Passive] – Move quicker in shadows
- Focus Drain: 20
- Gouge [Active] – Brutally slash a target’s eyes, blinding them.
- Physical: 10
- Focus Drain: 30
- Ninja
- Rising Fang [Active] – Perform an upwards slash to send yourself and an enemy into the air.
- Focus Drain: 20
- Rend [Active] – Dash between enemies, sending them into the air.
- Physical: 5
- Focus Drain: 25
- Shukuchi [Passive] – Makes dashing instant.
- Sky Rend [Passive] – Successfully landing Rising Fang unleashes Sky Rend
Striker Branch
Strikers split into two subclasses, Wrath and Monk.
- Wrath/Ashura
- Wrath [Passive] – Landing Asura’s Crash will increase Wrath.
- Asura’s Crash [Active] – Teleport behind enemies and slam them into the ground.
- Physical: 5
- Focus Drain: 20
- Asura’s Wrath [Passive] – Exchange built up Wrath to power up.
- Monk
- Spirit Shift [Passive] – Embrace a new spirit form through a transformed stance.
- Focus Drain: 20
- Spirit Burst [Active] – Release energy in a burst that alters depending on the stance.
- Focus Drain: 25
- Spirit Finisher [Active] – Activating Spirit Shift after landing a Spirit Burst teleports the player behind an enemy.
- Spirit Cleanse [Passive] – Chance to reset the Spirit Burst cooldown after landing the Spirit Burst finisher.
Magician Branch
Mages have two branching sub-classes including Warlock and Sorcerer. Warlocks dabble in black magic, playing with souls, whilst Sorcerers dabble with the Arcane.
- Warlock
- Sacrifice [Passive] – Dismiss an existing demon ally and reclaim its essence as Souls.
- Summon Fiend [Passive] – Summon a Fiend with a Soul to fight alongside.
- Summon Imp [Passive] – Summon an Imp with a Soul to fight alongside.
- Soul Steal [Active] – Tear a soul from a foe and take its essence when they collapse.
- Magic: 20
- Mana Drain: 100
- Souls [Passive] – A resource obtained by killing creatures with a soul.
- Soul Link [Passive] – Demons absorb damage on behalf of the player.
- Sorcerer
- Arcane Charges [Passive] – Landing a spell has a chance to generate Arcane Charge.
- Arcane Explosion [Active] – Create an explosion using Arcane Charge.
- Magic: 25
- Mana Drain: 100
- Arcane Finale [Active] – At maximum Arcane Charge, unleasg a powerful and magical nuke.
- Magic: 50
- Mana Drain: 200
- Arcane Mend [Passive] – Restores the player in exchange for 2 Arcane Charges.
Priest Branch
Finally, the Priest Branch, which offers only one sub-class, the Cleric.
- Divine Healing [Passive] – A portion of healing is siphoned to the player.
- Clarity [Passive] – Focus your mind’s energy to increase critical strike chance and make all spells cost nothing for a short time.
- Angelic Guardian [Passive] – Bless an ally with Divine Grace to increase their healing and allow them to resurrect upon death once.
- Mana Drain: 100