Bandai Namco has announced the launch of their latest Action mobile game, Rurouni Kenshin: Kengekikenran (るろうに剣心-明治剣客浪漫譚- 剣劇絢爛). Players can grab the App from Japan’s Play or App Store.
Kengekikenran is an Action RPG based on the famous manga, Samurai X. Players will be able to play as Kenshin Himura, Sagara Sanosuke or Aoshi Shinomori. You’ll be gacha-ing skill cards for the 3 characters, after which you’ll mix and match them to suit your playstyle.
Combat wise, the game is a little similar to Bleach: Brave Souls but with lousier graphics and choppy movements. If you had played both games, you’ll agree with me that Kengekikenran feels like a slideshow compared to Bleach.
I understand that the developers want to create something different and unique but gacha-ing skill cards is really not my cup of tea. In fact, the Manga does have a decent pool of characters they can use and “copying” how Bleach does with their Gacha would have been a better choice.
Bandai Namco