Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY Beginner’s Guide


Once you get past the biblical references and the risque presentation, Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY is like any other gacha-RPG. If you’re familiar with the genre, you’ll be right at home. 

But if you’re looking for an extra leg-up as you embark on your journey through the game’s neon underworld, this handy starter guide will set you off on the right track. 


As with any mobile RPG, your time in Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY is split between fighting and finessing your stable of warriors. 

There are several ways to fight, including Story mode, Daily Dungeons, Kizuna Quests, Limited Events, and three types of Arena battle: Limbus Arena, Monster Brawl, and Grand Colosseum. 

You can carry out battles either manually or automatically. You’ll probably find that it’s easier to tap the ‘auto’ button in the long run, but here’s how the manual option works for those times when you want to roll up your sleeves and get dirty. 

Battles are turn-based, with your units on the left of the screen and your opponent’s on the right. Each unit has a red HP gauge and a blue move gauge.

On top of that, each one has three types of attacks: basic, power, and special. As you’d expect, your special only becomes available after a certain number of moves. To attack an enemy, you just tap on the type of attack you want to carry out and then tap on the target. 

The battle is over when all of a team’s units are dead. 

Apart from fielding a leveled-up squad, the best thing you can do to increase your odds of victory is to create a strong formation. You can edit this on the Formation page, swapping units, removing the ones you don’t want, and adding Casts. 

You’re looking for a balance of attacking and defensive units, with a Support skill in the field to heal your units when they’re getting low on health. 

The other factor to consider is the elemental rock-paper-scissors system. STR is stronger than TEC, which is stronger than AGI, which is stronger than STR. A unit with an elemental advantage over its target will deal more damage, take less, and enjoy a greater chance of causing or evading negative effects from skills.

Skill effects come in two types: common chance and fixed chance. Common is determined by Effect Hit, Effect Res,or Elemental Advantage. Fixed chance skill effects have odds that are determined at the outset, and are unaffected by any other factor. 

There are several debuffs that you can apply during battle, such as Daze, Freeze, Seal, Stun, Burn, and so on.

Finally, it’s possible to choose a cast to be your helper during battle. To activate a helper, just tap the magenta arrow on the top-right of the screen and then ‘HELP’. You can see who your helper is on the bottom-left, and if you have fewer than four units in your party your helper will make up the numbers automatically. 


Once you’re finished on the battlefield you’ll need to tend to your stable of units and summon new ones. 

The path to excellence has a number of different routes, including training, ranking up, skilling up, and transcending. 

To train a unit you’ll need to spend not only Coins but Trainers. These come in various different levels of rarity, with rarer ones giving more EXP. All rarities use the same number of Coins, so it’s more cost-effective to go for rarer Trainers where possible. 

You can also rank up your units with Evolution Gems. The highest possible rank is 6*. Then there’s Transcending, which lifts a unit’s max level limit +30. To transcend a unit you’ll need to spend other units or Transcend Materials. 

It’s also possible to skill-up and unlock special moves by consuming up to nine Grimoires/Bunrei in total, and then by consuming units.

Plus, an Apprentice unit can inherit a skill level from a Mentor unit. All you need to do to pull off this feat is get two units with the same rarity at skill level 2 or above, along with some Diamonds or Inherit Gems. 

Another system to consider is Karma. This sees you making dialogue choices during cutscenes in order to win Karma. The greater your Karma, the better your rewards at the end of a battle. 

To swell your ranks and obtain material for leveling up you’ll need to perform gacha summons. Summoning takes several different forms – e.g. Awakers, Sins, etc – and will cost you Diamonds or Summon Scrolls. 

Finally, you can give yourself an additional boost by joining a Guild. This allows you to take part in Sin Challenger, a weekly contest to see who can inflict the most damage. 

Appropriately enough for a game starring Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Satan, the devil is in the details. There’s a lot to wrap your head around and your progress will depend on the units you take a shine to. 

But this overview should give you a decent grounding in the various elements that make up Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY’s gameplay loop. 

The rest is up to you. Check out Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY on iOS and Android by clicking here.